jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

My favorite places

I live in Santiago Chile since I was born,  in spite of not knowing all places in Santiago, I believe that I know enough sites. I like the quiet places, where I can talk, enjoy the landscape or to think calmly. Here I will mention some of these sites;

The Almagro Park

Is in San Diego's neighborhood, next to Santa Isabel street. There is a church in the end the park, which called "La Parroquia del Santísimo Sacramento", it is a copy of the Church of the Sacred Hearts that is in París. They stated to build in 1912, but thay have never has finished it. This church is part of the pleasant landscape.

The park is long, crosses several street but not very large. In this places you can enjoy grass meadows, and space for walk. For me this place is special, because here began my current relationship.
Another attraction are locals where they sell books.

Cerro Santa Lucía

This is a hill located in the center of Santiago, in the Alameda street, and was a milestone in the age of Pedro de Valdivia (spanish who came to conquer this territory in the century XVI). This hill have a altitude of 629 meters, it have path and viewpoints where you can see top the city.

In the place there is several turists and lovers. In adittion, there are many sites for sit and contemplate.

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

I have to write about movies, but I don't know so much about this matter. I have seen movies like everyone else, but I am not good at making comments about them. So, now, after thinking about what I could write in this occasion, I have remembered the good times that I have ever had watching the videos of Plan Z, and the happy moments this program has brought me.

Plan Z is a program of TV that was televised in the decades of 90 in Chile for a new channel called "Channel 2", in the that was led by a group of the young creative professional that expressed  their opinions about what was happening in the country.

Chile had just recovered it democratic government after of the dictatorship of Pinochet, so they really said what they thought without censorship.

Planz Z used a acid humor, there is very very good the video about "The Institute Aplaplac" that represented to new  private educational center which proliferated in the government of Pinochet, which were famous of not having good quality.

This video, shows a advertising of The Institute Aplaplac

Also they have videos about other topics, as "The putsch Pinochet's the right wingl" in which which make fun of  this group of Chile.

I recomend this program, enclose if liked you of the video, into to youtube and looking for "Plan Z". I have recomended to Plan Z to foreing and liked

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

The mapuches and

The mapuches are a ethnicity that have lived many centuries in the south of Chile and Argentina. Even before arrive spanish in century XVI they lived to based of economy of pickup grouped in large families. They had not a State or a organization centralized, and this was a impediment in the conquest spanish. Chilean are mainly a mix between indians (mapuches, diaguitas, chonos, etc.) and inmigrant europe as spanish, some german, italian, but mostly indian and we (the chilean) don't recognize.
The problems between the State chilean and mapuches have lasted two centuries, ergo since independence because the mapuches want autonomy of the land, but State chilean don't recognizes it, and worse is that land of the mapuches have been sold to private who have investors in big companies or haciendas.
Faced with this situation the mapuches have publicly expressed, with peacefull protest, burning farms, and demanding return of lands. This have been managed by the State with repression, the law counter terrorist and the military justice that increase the years of the sentences.
Now there are 32 mapuches in 62th day hunger strike for that not follow it applying the law counter terrorist. Organisms internationals as Amnesty International of Chile support this demand. This is one of the contradictions that the notion of state-nation don't has could resolve, the how integrate in one State people that don't feel part.

jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

I like to go Islandia

I know Iceland because is the land de Bjork, a modern singer that she have a own style of music. She began play music of her land at an early age. She have a album in where sing in icelandic, a languaje that seems to be very hard pronounce.

Iceland is a isle located in the North East of Europe between Norway, Groenland and United Kingdom. This country have a Human Development Index very very high because they have a developed society and advanced tecnology.

I know that the Iceland have a past viking, but despite of that history this a country have not army. Lately they have become in a rich country, with welfare state where to providing universal health care and higher education to its citizens. Recently, in a news appear that Iceland aims to be asylum of the server that allow keep complainant pages as "wikilead" in internet.

I don´t know much about this place, but it calls my atention because is a country unknown, green and seems to have a beautiful geography and lanscapes

I would like know landcapes, other music, and culture, to know how they live. I would have a house to live in the green meadow for a while.