sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

9th semester

In the last year I got my bachiller in Science Political and Government, and in this first semester of 2010 I begin the program for I get my professional degree. Actually, I didn't want continue studying a pregraduate else start a master in "International Affairs", but this plan don't worked and I kept studying public managment without much encouragement

On the other hand, I started to implement a proyect that I had formulated in Dicember 2009, and it was a educative program for students that going to applied to university. Also I started a company in where I sold robot that cleaned the floor. As I had never before worked and studied simultaneously, this semester was very very hard.

Besides all this, I won a competition to go Lima-Peru to participate in a Model of the Organization of States American, and that demanded much preparation and time.
In short, my last semester was exception in several aspect, nevertheless, I learn several things, issues related to human relationships, behavior is not repeated again as it stands, and others that would reaffirm.

...I let the job and I continue with my company and my studies

My name is Paola and I live in South America, specifically in Santiago of Chile. I dedicate my time mainly to study Public Managment and Political Science, because I am studying these topics in the Institute of Public Affairs in the University of Chile. I want to study abroad in the future, currently I am applying to scholarships to study a posgraduate master in Australia or Canada, therefore I need to learn and practice my English, and I doing this course for to improve my next second languaje.

I like to think, to sing, to talk and to sleep