domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

The mapuches and

The mapuches are a ethnicity that have lived many centuries in the south of Chile and Argentina. Even before arrive spanish in century XVI they lived to based of economy of pickup grouped in large families. They had not a State or a organization centralized, and this was a impediment in the conquest spanish. Chilean are mainly a mix between indians (mapuches, diaguitas, chonos, etc.) and inmigrant europe as spanish, some german, italian, but mostly indian and we (the chilean) don't recognize.
The problems between the State chilean and mapuches have lasted two centuries, ergo since independence because the mapuches want autonomy of the land, but State chilean don't recognizes it, and worse is that land of the mapuches have been sold to private who have investors in big companies or haciendas.
Faced with this situation the mapuches have publicly expressed, with peacefull protest, burning farms, and demanding return of lands. This have been managed by the State with repression, the law counter terrorist and the military justice that increase the years of the sentences.
Now there are 32 mapuches in 62th day hunger strike for that not follow it applying the law counter terrorist. Organisms internationals as Amnesty International of Chile support this demand. This is one of the contradictions that the notion of state-nation don't has could resolve, the how integrate in one State people that don't feel part.

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